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The Story That Inspired The Happiness Project


As I recalled the tears that dripped down the face of the young lady I encountered at my work place few years back, I distinctly remember that one questions I asked and awaken those tears.


I asked her, “How are you”.





I have been working in AM PM Pharmacy for Core Value & Culture Department and part of my job requires me to travel and meet all our employees during the appraisal season, to understand employee’s engagement level with our organization, and their mental health optimality. Our organization always emphasize huge concern on employee’s mental health and I take pride to work for such organization.


It was supposed to be another normal appraisal day until I come across this young lady. She was all fine and smiling, attending to customers and her co-workers. She was even smiling and joking with one of her co-worker. But in contrary to all that happy moods she was reflecting, the one simple questions triggered her to spill the beans on what’s going on with her life.


Turns out, this lady has been suffering in depression and she has attempted suicide twice recently.

She was just recently discharged from hospitalization after her recent attempts, about 3 months back.


I was moved with her condition, and did my best to be there for her. I wouldn’t say ‘help’ is the right word, as I was not a professionally qualified person then to help a depressive person. But I do have a six years of volunteering experiences as social worker at orphanage homes and refugees centers, hence I used those experiences to listen to her and reassured that her presence matters.


After six months of weekly meet ups, phone calls and counselling session, I believe I did played an impact in the lady’s life, by soiling the belief in her that there is hope and that it is possible to achieve amazing things in life, even for someone who have been depressed with serious suicidal thoughts.


And today, she is furthering her studies and pursuing her dreams in arts career. Happily.




That day, I learn that many people are struggling with mental illness, but they live in the fear of appearing weak or out of control, hence choose to not to do anything about it.

Many people, though appear happy to others, are actually keeping the inner turmoil hidden.

Behind the mask of their smile - their minds are filled with thoughts of worthlessness, inadequacy, failure and despair.



Some didn’t want to seek for help, while some didn’t know where to seek for help.


That same day, I realized I want to pursue a pathway in the field of mental health,

to create awareness to de-stigmatize mental illness.



My motivation for becoming a psychotherapist stemmed from my above experience, and through guidance of an ever supporting family members and leader from my organization.

My CEO strongly believes that someday, we will be able to touch many people’s life with hope.



Which is the exact thing we are doing right now : Touching people's live with hope.




Life can gets difficult, and sometimes a little help can make things better.


At The Happiness Project, our goal is to enrich and fortify people’s self-knowledge so that they can overcome the difficulties. We firmly believe that everyone can create the kind of lives and relationships they desire.


We have made it our mission to help our community to see their own potential and believe in the power of themselves to make it happen. And in align with the mission, we see greatness come alive in the small steps of our patients and clients, each day.​



Imagine waking up every morning feeling like you can take on the world.


How great does that feel?

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All psychotherapy services are certified by Malaysian Associations of Psychotherapy.

Services provided by
Member of KWNG Group Holding Sdn Bhd

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